When my days seem to run together, when I so badly want to be in twelve places at once, when I can’t sleep at night because all I can think about is checking off the next items on my to do list, when I become overwhelmed with the feeling that I literally exist to cook and to clean, I know it’s time for me to reset. We’ve all been there. Washed out; completely drained. Bent, but never broken.
Here I am-- a Millennial Mom-- giving my tiny tots one hundred percent of me, while also determined to feed my soul everything that it craves. For me, that means a few things: patience, structure, and balance.
Patience is one of those virtues that motherhood teaches us very early on. I never really knew how impatient I was, in general, until my girls were born. But, I’ve learned that it’s not just about being patient with your one year old when she’s smearing the walls with sweet potatoes or when you’ve heard “Momma” twenty three times in a matter of 30 seconds. It’s about being patient with yourself, too. It’s about knowing that this is a lifelong journey, and that this journey will be full of self-evolution. It’s about being kind to yourself along your journey, allowing yourself to make mistakes and to feel however you need to feel, while giving yourself grace.
Structure is another one of those things that holds my entire world together. We literally live off of structure in the Anderson household; it’s an absolute need. Period. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not the mom who has every activity planned, labelled, and color-coded in the kitchen. But, truly, planning out weekly activities and appointments, and structuring times for eating, sleeping, playing, and learning is what helps me take on my day to day as a mom, wife, and young professional. Structure, I’ve learned, is not only good for my kids, but it’s also great for me. I feel less stressed when I know what my days will look like.
Balance is one of the things that my soul craves the most. I want to be balanced in everything. I’m passionate about so many things: serving communities in need, loving the hell out of my kids, supporting my hubby in this crazy baseball life, and loving myself without limits. Maintaining all of my passions forces me to maintain balance, which means being careful not to stretch myself too thin (if I can help it). What works for me? Setting healthy boundaries, knowing when to take a break, and sometimes, just slowing everything down.
So, Millennial Moms, when you’re feeling overwhelmed with the weight of the world, remember this: It’s perfectly okay to reset. Being a Millennial Mom, I’m confident that I don’t have to leave behind any of the things that make me who I am. Why would I? I love spicy date nights with my husband and being there to scream “Yassssss!” every time he hits a home run. I love to see my kids engage in new experiences, and being present for every milestone-- big and small. I love networking with people and organizations who give a damn about the well-being of our vulnerable communities. It’s everything I’m passionate about, and I’m sure that all of the things I love and am passionate about can exist simultaneously.
After all, that is exactly what makes me a Millennial Mom.