The standard practice going into a new year is to clear out the clutter. We spend hours cleaning our home, washing and folding laundry, and clearing out the cluttered spaces that we’ve neglected throughout the year. But it’s not just those physical spaces that need to be decluttered– it’s more than that. It’s the taunting thoughts that live rent free in our minds; it’s the inevitable replaying of shameful memories, often filling those spaces of our hearts that once felt secure.
If 2021 has taught me anything at all, it’s that life isn’t simple– and it damn sure isn’t easy– but there’s something so beautiful about the opportunity to grow, even in the depths of our darkest spaces. So while many have spent the first few weeks of the new year clearing out the clutter of their homes, I have spent my time “clearing out the clutter” of my emotional spaces. In doing so, I have come to one conclusion as I elevate into the new year: There is certainly some good in goodbye.
Life has a funny way of making us face ourselves. We face our deepest fears. We face our disappointments. We face our trauma. Nevertheless, there comes a time when we must decide that we will no longer be bound by our circumstances or shackled by our anxieties and disappointments. We have to release, because it is there that we find the good in goodbye.
Healing is a choice we make. It’s leaning into God’s promises, even when our faith is the size of a mustard seed. It’s choosing to win, even when we feel defeated. It’s believing that God will be our Way-maker, even in a storm. Because how would we ever know Him to be a Way-maker if we never needed a way to be made? And I say all of this, but I want to be clear– the journey to healing won’t be easy. It will feel unsteady, unstable, and unpredictable. But the key is to be patient with yourself, be patient with time, and be patient with God. Praise Him by celebrating the small wins along the journey. Because to be honest, healing is by far one of the most beautiful pains we might ever endure in life.
And with me being a mamma of two inquisitive little ladies, this year I had to choose healing. I have two spunky girls — the heirs to my throne. They’re watching me and every move I make. They’re watching how I process pain and difficult circumstances, taking mental notes on how mommy gets back up when it’s evident that she’s been knocked down.
So every day – whether I feel it or not – I make the choice to give my girls the best version of their mama. I make the choice to kiss the past goodbye. I make the choice to realign myself in God’s promises, re-centering myself on who He says I am. By clearing out my clutter, I am making room in my heart to receive all that God has for me.
And to the Millennial Mom who is still sorting through all that was endured in 2021: It’s time to clear out the clutter, sis. Wishing you fresh joys and fresh perspectives in the new year. I pray you allow new things to come. Happy healing. 💕
Millennial Mom